An article of the National Guard has been published, where the perspective, savings and benefits of operation of simulation systems manufactured by AES Machinery Engineering Group are described in detail.

Taking into account the specific nature and scope of the tasks to be performed, as well as the objectives of operational, targeted management and organization of provision of training material and technical base, a service for development of training material and technical base has been established in the main department of combat training of the National Guard. What tasks does the service perform? What is the purpose of the service in the law enforcement forces? Lieutenant Colonel RauanBaibussinov, Head of the service of development of training material and technical base, helped us to answer all these questions.

– Rauan Rustemovich, tell us in general about the activity of the service of development of training material and technical base of the National Guard of the RK?

Training material and technical base is a set of buildings, structures, material, technical (training) facilities and equipped facilities designed to provide training of servicemen, coordination of units, military bases, in accordance with plans and programs of combat training.

For the purpose of management of the given activity on organization of performance of safety requirements at carrying out actions of military training, at the expense of regular structural units the service of development of training material and technical base is organized.

The main tasks of the Service are to plan funds for development and improvement of training material and technical base, to ensure delivery of material resources for training of troops, to control their quantity, quality and completeness, as well as to train specialists in shooting-range equipment and simulator systems, etc.

The National Guard has 11 training centers and over 30 military shooting ranges. All military shooting ranges are provided with new portable shooting-range equipment, and the training centers have company tactical kits.

One of the most important directions of improvement of quality and efficiency of combat training is its intensification on the basis ofa correct combination of traditional and innovative approaches, introduction of new technical means of training, information technologies. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that today the issues of economy are brought to the forefront of military training. The foreign experience of combat training indicates the high efficiency of the use of technical means of training.

To train personnel in new ways and to acquire practical combat skills, the budget of the troops provided the acquisition of driving simulators for Armored Personal Carrier, KamAZ, Ural, Tigr, simulators for training of grenade launcher operators of the rocket-ropelled grenade launcher, automatic grenade launcher,under-barrel grenade launcherand tripod-mounted man-portable antitank gun, as well as shooting ranges of two-sided combat with laser imitation of shooting and destruction. In 2019, several military units were provided with tactical and special training classes for training of servicemen.

In addition, in the framework of international cooperation, the Threat Reduction Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense at the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan, URS Federal Services International Inc. has installed in the National Guard Military Institute and in military bases3514. 3477. 3650. 3660 electronic shooting rangesfree of charge.

These shooting ranges are intended for training of the personnel in fire training and fire control as a part of a unit (group, crew) in the classroom conditions close to the combat conditions.

During these sessions the equipment placed in it provides creation of virtual environment reflecting enemy forces and means, terrain with located local weather conditions, time of day, season, imitation of movement of enemy forces and means, imitation of shooting of trainees and return fight of the enemy, imitation of defeat of the enemy by fire of trainees.

To date, work has been done on preparation of training facilities of the barrack-typefield Training and Material Base for the new training period and portable equipage of the Training and Material Base. Regulatory work on maintenance of the shooting-range equipment, simulator systems, multimedia shooting ranges, work on target production, updating of prohibitive (warning) signs and measures to localize fire sources and prevent spread of fire (installation of carbon monoxide sensors, hazardous area of the firing ranges, etc.).

Daily servicemen (shooting range team, shooting range managers, specialist-operators of training systems, etc.) provide day and night uninterrupted operation of training equipment and facilities for training of servicemen, coordination of units, military bases, management authorities, in accordance with the plans and programs of combat (professional command, special) training.

– How much we save from using new modern simulators?

Training devices in the National Guard are intended for practicing skills and abilities in controlling equipment and weapons in various conditions. The simulators reproduce static and dynamic characteristics of weapons, military and other equipment samples, visual environment, various physical factors (noise, overloads, vibrations, etc.), simulate ways and tactics of their combat application. The use of simulators allows reducing the time for mastering new samples of weapons, military and other equipment, increasing the efficiency of their use and training of personnel, reducing training costs.

The use of modern technical means of training allows: firstly, to reduce substantially – up to 30 times the cost of training specialists for operations with weapons; secondly, to reduce, up to 70%, the resource consumption of expensive equipment, as well as fuel and ammunition; thirdly, to reduce the terms of training crews and mastering of new equipment by about 6 times; fourthly, to reduce the accident rate of equipment to improve safety of its use, along with achieving high results in the training of personnel.

In general, during training at simulators in 2019, the National Guard saved over KZT 1.8 billion (including the market price for ammunition and fuel and lubricants).

– Why did you choose these simulators?

Practice shows that the use of modern simulators in combination with traditional forms and methods of training can significantly improve quality of training of military specialists with a minimum use of resources, the same: ammunition. fuel and lubricants, motor resources, minimization of accidents in the process of mastering and operation of complex and expensive new samples of weapons and military equipment ; environmental restrictions on the use of real military equipment for training. Also the time of preparation of the training base for the training is reduced, the passability and coverage of the personnel is increased.

For example, in the National Guard units, the intensive use of simulators in the training process has led to increase in the number of hours of practical driving of combat vehicles and motor vehicles, as well as training sessions with grenade launchers and bilateral exercises using laser simulations of firing and hitting.

For the first time the above mentioned simulators were presented in April 2016 to the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev during the tactical and special exercise “Kaisar 2016” at the Center of military base 5574, where they were highly appreciated for their use and application in military bases.

In order to ensure quality maintenance and operation of the training equipment, specialists of the shooting range equipment and simulator systems are annually trained by qualified full-time specialists at the Centre of Military Unit 5574, and according to the results the trainees receive relevant certificates.

– What innovations are expected next year? (new simulators, buildings, etc.)

Ahead of us there are new prospects for development, as well as continuation of work of the National Guard with domestic industrial enterprises (including foreign ones), to conduct research, development and process work on the development of new innovative technologies in the training of personnel.

It is planned to develop a new UAZ driving simulator, classes of combat service and light diving training, purchase command boxes with aiming stands, upgrade military firing ranges with moving targets and company tactical kits.