Driver-mechanic simulator of the tank T-72

Driver-mechanic simulator of the tank T-72is designed for training of Т-72 driver-mechanic in order to form and consolidatethe driving skills oftrainees in various weather conditions (rain, snow, hail), season, day and visibility (day, night, fog), without consumption of motor operating time and fuel and lubricants.

Simulator structure

  1. Instructor’s workstation (includes a unified table, on/off control panel of the simulator, uninterruptible power supply, software and hardware complex, video monitors, set of cables).
  2. Simulator cabin.
  3. Dynamic 6-step platform
  4. Operating documents, package
  5. Spare parts, tools and accessories, kit
  6. Transport pack, set

Simulator capabilities:

Adequacy of sizes and design of the driver mechanic’sworkstation, mutual placement of controls and indication simulators, devices and nodes.

Constructive adequacy is provided by compliance of geometrical sizes of the simulator cabinand placement of node simulators and equipment of the simulated tank, maximum similarity of front panels of made device and equipment simulators with real ones, complianceof illumination of the equipment of scales of devices, banners and nameplates with the simulated equipment.

The simulator provides functional adequacy through the implementation of the following characteristics:

  • complete list of functions of observation, control and indicationdevices of the T-72 tank
  • compliance of ranges of movement, force and reaction of the levers, pedals, handwheels, switches with the characteristics of the T-72 tank
  • compliance of algorithms and modes of operation of device and equipment simulators in all modes and reaction of controls and indication devicesto control actions
  • taking into account the main characteristics of the T-72 (engine power in various gears, transmission characteristics, weight) in the movement model, as well as terrain features (relief, soil type, road surface condition)
  • compliance of sound effects of operation of the running engine with the real ones
  • reproduction of tilt angles of the hull of a simulated tank T-72 during movement and acceleration effects in case of speed acceleration, braking and turning, overcoming obstacles and collision with objects
  • creation of visual environment in the simulators of observation devices against the background of the selected area in day and night conditions, in summer and winter seasons
  • the simulator ensures that the dynamic characteristics of the simulated T-72 tank are adequate by using a dynamic platform. The platform ensures the cabin inclination angles of at least 20 degrees along the roll and pitch, rotation around the vertical axis in the range of ±25 degrees, movement along the vertical axis of ±100 mm, displacement of the cabin in the longitudinal and transverse directions in the range of ±200 mm, and movement speed along the axes of at least 20 degrees/sec.

Visualization system of external environment in the simulator provides:

  • possibility to make visual observation, taking into account weather conditions
  • compliance of the color scheme of terrain and object textures with real colors and contrast
  • compliance of angular sizes, shapes, local objects, vegetation, ground objects in the field of view of optical surveillance device simulators

The simulator provides the following training opportunities for drivermechanics:

  • training of driver mechanic to work with devices, controls and equipment
  • training of driver mechanic to drivein a tank training area in the full volume of the Combat Vehicles Driving Course
  • training of driver mechanic to drive in unfamiliar terrain in difficult conditions

Possibilities of instructor:

  • selection of exercises in their simulator library (full list of exercises of the Combat Vehicles Driving Course)
  • simulation of emergency situations, entry of malfunctions and failures into theequipment operation in the simulated tractor during driving exercises
  • control and change of position at the route of the tank training area
  • continuous objective and subjective control over the actions of trainees during the exercises by controlling the field of view of observation devices, state of controls, actions performed
  • automated generation of evaluation for driving exercises
  • automated generation of reports on execution of exercises, generation of a summary sheet for training day and month
  • documenting and archiving the results of exercises and training
  • control over the total time spent on the exercise
  • setting the parameters ofmetrological conditions (types of terrain – normal, desert, mountain, swampy; time of day – night, day; season- summer, winter), other than normalones
  • two-way communication of the instructor with the trainee via an intercommunication system
  • setting the direction and speed of targets
  • autonomous start and stop of a stopwatch
Simulator characteristics
Number of simultaneously trained persons 1 (driver-mechanic)
Minimum required space to place the simulator 30 m²
Type of premise to place the simulator training classes on the first floors or basements of capital buildings
Readiness time of the simulator for operation after switching on not more than 5 min
Continuous operating time not more than 12 hours
Powersupply voltage 220 ±10% V
frequency 50±1 Hz
Continuous operating time 12 hours
Power supply single-phase A network with voltage of 220V±10% and frequency of 50±1.0Hz
Maximum power consumption 12 kV*A
Average power consumption 6 kV*A
Size of the three-dimensional model of a tank training area 4х4 km
Types of terrain normal, mountainous, desert
Diagnostic system Built-insemi-automatic
Degree of coverage of algorithm sofwork of the commander, gunner and driver to be trained on the simulator to operation algorithm sonar mored personnelcarrier 0,8
Simulator weight as an assembly 1 840 kg
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