SPG-9M Tripod-mounted Man-portable Antitank Gun Simulator

SPG-9 Simulator is designed for training of grenade launcher operators of the SPG-9 tripod-mounted man-portable antitank gun in conditions close to a modern combat,in order toform and maintain their stable skills of target detection and identification, determination of target movement parameters, determination of the moment of firing, evaluation of firing results without consumption of grenades and technical resource of combat vehicles in conditions of training class.

Simulator structure

  1. Instructor’s workstation.
  2. SPG-9 Grenade launcher operator’s workstation
  3. Operating documents, package
  4. Spare parts, tools and accessories, kit
  5. Transportpack, set


  • Study of SPG-9 construction, placement and procedure for use of controls, PGO-9 sight(PGOK-9, PGN-9), procedure of charging and discharging of the grenade launcher.
  • Formation and improvement of grenade launcher operators’ battlefield reconnaissance skills using conditions close to those of modern general combat, including conditions of dust and smoke interference.
  • Formation and maintenance of grenade launcher operators’ skills to fire anti-tank and fragmentation shots at static and dynamic targets, as well as helicopters in a hang state at ranges from 100 to 4500 m in various conditions.
  • Conduction of battlefield reconnaissance under various optical visibility conditions, determination of the range to points and targets according to a range sight scale.
  • Detection of targets and identification by their characteristics. Determination of target movement parameters. Prioritizing of targets for firing by hazard level.
  • Training of grenade launcher operators to sightat different targets against the background of the terrain in different conditions.
  • Actions on preparation ofSGP-9 for firing, target selection, sighting, grenade launching, observing and evaluatingthe firing results.
  • Development of the grenade launcher operators’ ability to evaluate the firing results and to make a decision of repeated target engagement.
  • Firing exercises on different types of terrain (normal, desert, urban) in different weather conditions, day and night (when using illumination ammunition), winter and summer.
  • PG-9VS (OG-9V) reactive grenade flight model provides the SPG-9 tactical and technical characteristics.
  • Direct shot range -800 m.
  • Maximum range of firing by anti-tank weapon PG-9VS is 1300 m, by fragmental weapon OG-9V is 4500 m.
  • The speed of firing at a maximum range without transfer of fire is 6 shots per minute.
  • The display of a three-dimensional model of a 5×5 km terrain section in the field of view of the PGO-9 optical sight and from the point of view of the external controlled camera is provided by the image visualization program; a 2048×1536 high resolution video matrix is used as a display device.
  • The aiming reticle and range scale in the field of view of the optical sight fully correspond to the real PGO-9 sight.
  • Display of the flight of a grenade at a speed from 315 m/s (initial) to 700 m/s (maximum).
  • Implementation of optical characteristics of the PGO-9 sight.
    • increase – 4.2 times;
    • field of view – 10 degrees.
  • Visual image of the terrain from the observation point of the external camera has a resolution of 1280×1024, which provides clarity of textures and objects, as well as the depth of perception of the terrain.

Instructor’s possibilities:

  • At the choice of the instructor, the visualization system displays the scene in daytime conditions (sunny and cloudy weather), at twilight, and at night (including when using illumination ammunition).
  • The simulator library has three geo-typical plots of terrain – normal, desert and terrain with urban development.
  • Display of three-dimensional objects against the background of the terrain – local objects (buildings, towers, trees, structures), targets – tanks (T-72, Abrams M1A1), infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1, BMP-2, Bradley), armoured personnel carriers (BTR-80), vehicles (Ural-4320), helicopters in a nag state (Mi-8/17). The library of three-dimensional objects can be constantly replenished.
  • Display of visual weather effects of different intensity – fog, rain, snow, clouds, wind.
  • Display of visual effects of the battlefield – explosions of rockets and shells, smoke, fires, illumination ammunition – mines, air bombs, shells.
  • Display of visual effects of the grenade launch and flight – smoke of the sight field of view at 0.5-1 s, displaying the grenade tracer in flight, grenade blasting when the target is hit (and missed), burning or exploding.
  • Recording the destructiveness of targets by the grenade’s cumulative combat unit, depending on the point of impact and angle of fly-to the target.
  • Adequacy of audio effects of the battlefield (firing from small arms, artillery, flight of aircrafts and helicopters), firing and flight of a rocket-propelled grenade, destruction of a combat unit of the anti-tank guided missile.
  • Compliance of angular sizes, shape, color, contrast of local objects, vegetation, targets with real objects in the field of view of optical observation and sighting devices.
  • Three-dimensional objects have a degree of detailingsufficient for identification (recognition) using observation and sighting devices
  • Targets can traverse on the terrain routes at a speed corresponding to the terrain conditions and characteristics of the targets simulated.
  • Automatic evaluation of the trainee’s actions.
  • Fixing all the mistakes of the trainee and receiving recommendations for further improvement of the training methodology
  • Storage of the training results of all trainees and their analysis.
  • Printing of the training results.
  • Duplicating the visual sector of the grenadier.
  • Displaying the selected target parameters on the screen.
  • Conduction of a current (in the course of a direct training) analysis of the trainee’s actions with other trainees who are observing his actions
Main technical characteristics of the simulator
Number of simultaneously trained persons 1 (grenadier or section commander)
Readiness time of the simulator for operation after switching on Not more than 5 min
Continuous operating time 12 hours
Powersupply Single-phase AC network with frequency of 50±1.0Hz, 220V±10%
Maximum power consumption 1.5 kV*A
Average power consumption 1.2 kV*A
Degreeofcoverageofoperation algorithmsofthetraineesofthesection commander, AA sniper onthesimulatortooperationalgorithmsofthe short-range man-portable air defense system Not less than 0.8
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